Loire Valley Wines


Welcome to our first blog post! 

We've chosen the Loire Valley in France because over the last few years the wine producers in this region have excelled themselves.  The result has ben a resurgence in great wines from this previoulsy much underrated area.  Younger generations of winemakers have taken over their family vineyards, and have brought new life and energy to the wines.

The Loire Valley is located in the heart of France and spans 280 kilometres in the middle stretch of the Loire River in Central France.  The wine from this region is as varied and interesting as the region itself.  The wines range from delicious, flinty, charming whites like MuscadetQuincySancerre and Pouilly Fume to delicate and approachable sparkling Cremants and the classic Loire red grape - Cabernet Franc.

Global warming seems to have played a part too, with the new generation of wines displaying slightly softer attributes than maybe some of the vintages from 10 years ago.
A particularly exciting addition to our portfolio is a Loire Chardonnay from Domaine des Tilleuls, from whom we have been importing their Loire Sauvignon. They are an exceptional pair of wines and with both being priced at just £8.95 - exceptional value for money too.

Here at York Wines we have an excellent selection of wines from the Loire Valley region. They are versatile wines, light enough to enjoy on their own, but equally robust enough to stand up to the right sorts of food - there's a reason why Muscles and Muscadet is a French classic! Cheers and bon apetit!